Quack Quack offers her a diaper, but she refuses because she wants to preserve her dignity. Kaeloo: In episode 125, Kaeloo's having a pretty awful Potty Emergency thanks to Stumpy hogging the bathroom, but she's also being quite picky.As Grim leaves, the guy indignantly shoots 'Hey, these thing's will kill ya!'. The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy: In the episode Major Cheese, Grim gives a giant cheese puff to someone who looks like he's been through Hell.The hitchhiker takes a look at Goofy's car, criticizes it, and declines the offer. Classic Disney Shorts: In the Goofy cartoon "Two Weeks Vacation", Goofy comes across a hitchhiker and offers him a lift.The " 2/10 Would Not Bang " meme consists of a picture of an attractive person covered in Expo Labels pointing out their supposed physical flaws (revealing more of the author's prejudices and insecurities than any ugliness) and a low final grade, then showing the picture of the purported author, a pimply overweight nerd who'd be lucky to get the time of day from the person in the picture.Goku doesn't want to take it, as it's grape-flavored. Dragon Ball Z Abridged: Trunks get sent back to the past to give Goku heart medication so he won't die, leaving the androids to destroy the world.For instance, a relatively common kind of post in the subreddit is a person who is looking for a potential romantic partner, but had a list of "must-haves" that is either impossible to achieve or self-contradictory. of people who are in clear need of something, but are being incredibly picky or have impossible standards for whatever they want. The subreddit is dedicated to text messages, social media posts, etc. Reddit has a subreddit dedicated to this topic called /r/ChoosingBeggars/.They will stand by this even as they are literally about to die of starvation. In Don't Starve, there are a handful of characters that won't eat certain foods Wigfrid won't eat fruits or veggies, Wurt won't eat meat, and Warly won't eat anything that wasn't cooked in a crockpot.
#Reddit choosy beggars series
Fortunately, later games in the City-Building Series simply ask for food without specifying which kind, which is then taken from the total food stocks.
#Reddit choosy beggars full
2000 figs or 1600 fish or 3200 pomegranates), and it has to be from the food kept in storage yards (for exportation) instead of granaries (for local consumption), leading to supply-chain problems as you shift goods around and keeping entire yards full of food that won't be eaten or sold just in case it's needed later. The problem is that only a single type of food is counted for the request, often in huge quantities (i.e.

He then sees the kids running off with fuel cans and lit torches, and one turns around long enough to yell at him "next time bring some candy, asshole!" before following them. After he arrives to the location and retrieves what he was there to fetch (and fends off someone trying to kill him), he gets back to his Hummer and finds it on fire. Hauser does not has candy, but he pays each of the kids $100 for the directions and goes on his way. When Hauser is lost in the middle of a war zone, he encounters a bunch of children who offer him directions in exchange for candy. The homeless man responds by saying "I said a dollar, bitch!" and throws the sandwich back at Cindy. Buffy is utterly repulsed by him, but Cindy gives him a sandwich. In the first Scary Movie, a homeless man asks Cindy and her friends if they can spare a dollar.One (played by Michael Palin) turns out to have been cured of leprosy by Jesus, whom he calls a "bloody do-gooder" and complains about how the cure ruined his livelihood. Scene 6 of Monty Python's Life of Brian has Brian and his mother pass a group of lepers begging for alms.In Amélie, the heroine wants to give some change to a beggar hanging around at a Paris train station but he declines since he doesn't work on Sundays.This guy offering stock options for a business that doesn’t exist yet. This musician who takes himself too seriously. This guy who expects art for the “honor” of it. It takes a special type of narcissist to do this, and these 17 people are at the top of the charts. Most of us have been desperate enough at some point in our lives to beg for something, but to then nitpick about said thing is unacceptable.
#Reddit choosy beggars for free
One of the worst types of people is someone who expects everything for free, but even worse than that is someone who wants something for free and is picky about it.