Verdun is in the Meuse department, which is part of the current region of Grand Est. The two campaigns together should have brought France and Britain to terms. N/A battle of the verdun summary the battle of verdun was major battle fought during world war it took place between february 21 and december 18, 1916. The Meuse and its crossings were a key objective of the last major German WWII counter-offensive on the Western Frontthe Battle of the Bulge (Battle of the Ardennes) in the winter of 1944/45.

Falkenhayn hoped to combine the Verdun offensive with a U-Boat offensive against British shipping.General Erich von Falkenhayn, the Chief of the General Staff and Germany's principal strategist, targeted Verdun because of its position on the Allied line and its sentimental value to French people.At the end of the bloodshed, France emerged as the victor, by December winning back nearly all the territory it had lost in February.10,000 soldiers were lost, killed or injured. The Battle of Verdun was the longest single battle during the First World War and one of the bloodiest in human history. Fort Douaumont was a prime target: it received about 800 shells in two days. Verdun - a strong point on the long frontline dividing the French and German armies - was the longest battle of the First World War The first large battle fought by American soldiers in World War I took place in Belleau Wood. On February 21, 1916, the Germans attacked Verdun.